Submission Requirements

Submission Requirements

1.         Words limited to 2500~5000 (including table and references). It is negotiable if it’s necessary to exceed 5000 words.

2.         Abstract: no longer than 300 words. The abstract shall be in one paragraph, contain no citations/references or unexplained abbreviations.

3.         Keywords: You may list three to five keywords. The keywords are separated by semicolon.

4.         Headings: Titles and subtitles should be clear, avoid complex hierarchical structure.

5.         Figures: Figures should be numbered and inserted into the text after the first reference to it. The caption for a figure goes below the figure. The

       image  should have a minimal width 120 mm of and a minimal height 180 mm. The minimal resolution of the figure is 300dpi. Besides inserted in

       the paper, please  provide a copy of the figures separately in order to make the editing easier.

6.        Tables: Tables should be numbered and inserted into the text after the first reference to it. The caption for a table goes above the table.


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