Call for paper

Call for paper

Book series introduction

The series of <Environmental planning & design> (EPD) is an academic series edited by architectural design and planning institute which is subject to Harbin Institute of Technology

in China. The series mainly focus on architecture design, urban planning, landscape architecture, design art etc. Newest research, criticism of the excellent degree thesis, representative

architectural masterpiece, and significant design competitions will be presented in the book series. We call for papers all the year round. Two to four issues will be published quarterly by

the publisher of Harbin institute of technology.

The aim is to report on academic research: promote the diffusion of new theories or research on environmental planning and design; provide a high-level academic platform for scholars to

 share and communicate research on architecture, landscape architecture, and design art. The group of editors and editorial board of the series include the leading researchers and designers

in the field. Prof. Guangtian Zou is editor-in-chief, and Dr. Fei Lian is associate editor.

We invite submissions of original research on topics including the following areas: Architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, and design art. Three types of submissions will be

 included: Research, design practice, and significant events report.

Current Series topic:

The first series: <Environmental planning & design Ÿ Environmental programming>.  Submissions due January 31, 2013

The second series: <Environmental planning & design Ÿ Environmental design methods>.  Submissions due April 30, 2013

The third series: <Environmental planning & design Ÿ Environmental behavior and phycology>.  Submissions due July 31, 2013

The fourth series: <Environmental planning & design Ÿ Elderly residential environment>.  Submissions due October 31, 2013

Related issues:

1.         Submissions should comply with the aim of the book series of <environmental planning and design>, and suit the topic of current issue.

2.         Submissions are required to be original work hasn’t been published or currently under reviewed by other publishers.

3.         The first author will receive two copies of the book after publication.

4.         For detail Format issue, please refer to “submission requirements”

5.         The submissions should be word format. Submit via e-mail to: 

Welcome to submit your work to <Environmental planning and design>!

We are very appreciative for your kind support!






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